Source code for codemetrics.vega

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import json
import os
import typing

import pandas as pd

from . import internals

[docs]def build_hierarchy( data: pd.DataFrame, get_parent=os.path.dirname, root: str = "", max_iter: int = 100, col_name: typing.Optional[str] = None, ) -> pd.DataFrame: """Build a hierarchy from a data set and a get_parent relationship. The output frame adds 2 columns in front: id and parent. Both are numerical where the parent id identifies the id of the parent as returned by the get_parent function. The id of the root element is set to 0 and the parent is set to np.nan. Args: data: data containing the leaves of the tree. get_parent: function returning the parent of an element. root: expected root of the hierarchy. max_iter: maximum number of iterations. col_name: name of the column to use as input (default to column 0). Returns: pandas.DataFrame with the columns id, parent and col_name. The parent value identifies the id of the parent in the hierarchy where the id 0 is the root. The columns other than col_name are discarded. """ assert data.ndim == 2, "DataFrame-like object expected" if not col_name: col_name = data.columns[0] parent = get_parent.__name__ df = data[[col_name]] frames = [] seen = {root} root_actually_seen = False count = 0 for _ in range(max_iter): df.loc[:, parent] = df[col_name].apply(get_parent) if root in df[parent].values: root_actually_seen = True df["id"] = range(count, count + len(df)) count += len(df) frames.append(df) df = ( df.loc[~df[parent].isin(seen), [parent]] .drop_duplicates() .rename(columns={parent: col_name}) ) seen.update(df[col_name]) if len(df) == 0: frames.append( pd.DataFrame(data={"id": [count], col_name: [root], parent: [None]}) ) break if not root_actually_seen: msg = f"cannot find root {root} in input frame" internals.log.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) df = pd.concat(frames, sort=False).drop_duplicates() df["id"] = len(df) - df["id"] - 1 assert col_name is not None y_name = col_name + "_y" merged = pd.merge(df, df, left_on=col_name, right_on=parent, how="right")[ [y_name, "id_y", "id_x"] ].rename(columns={y_name: col_name, "id_y": "id", "id_x": "parent"}) return ( merged[["id", "parent", col_name]].sort_values(by="id").reset_index(drop=True) )
def _vis_generic( df: pd.DataFrame, size_column: str, color_column: str, colorscheme: str, height: int = 300, width: int = 400, ) -> dict: """Factors common parts of vis_xxx functions. Internal. See vis_hot_spots or vis_ages for documentation. """ if len(df) <= 0: raise ValueError("dataframe is empty") if size_column not in df.columns: raise ValueError(f"{size_column} not found in columns") if color_column not in df.columns: raise ValueError(f"{color_column} not found in columns") hierarchy = build_hierarchy(df[["path"]], root="") hierarchy = ( pd.merge(hierarchy, df, left_on="path", right_on="path", how="left") .rename(columns={size_column: "size", color_column: "intensity"}) .sort_values(by="id") ) hierarchy.loc[:, ["size", "intensity"]] = hierarchy[["size", "intensity"]].fillna(0) json_values = hierarchy.to_json(orient="records") signal = ( "datum.path + " f"(datum.intensity ? ', ' + datum.intensity + ' {color_column}' : '') + " f"(datum.size ? ', ' + datum.size + ' {size_column}' : '')" ) desc: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any] = { "$schema": "", "width": width, "height": height, "padding": 5, "autosize": "none", "data": [ { "name": "tree", # 'values': ..., "transform": [ {"type": "stratify", "key": "id", "parentKey": "parent"}, { "type": "pack", "field": "size", "sort": {"field": "value", "order": "descending"}, "size": [{"signal": "width"}, {"signal": "height"}], }, ], } ], "scales": [ { "name": "color", "type": "linear", "domain": {"data": "tree", "field": "intensity"}, "range": {"scheme": colorscheme}, "domainMin": 0, } ], "marks": [ { "type": "symbol", "from": {"data": "tree"}, "encode": { "enter": { "shape": {"value": "circle"}, "fill": {"scale": "color", "field": "intensity"}, "tooltip": {"signal": signal}, }, "update": { "x": {"field": "x"}, "y": {"field": "y"}, "size": {"signal": "4 * datum.r * datum.r"}, "stroke": {"value": "white"}, "strokeWidth": {"value": 0.5}, }, "hover": { "stroke": {"value": "black"}, "strokeWidth": {"value": 2}, }, }, } ], } desc["data"][0]["values"] = json.loads(json_values) return desc
[docs]def vis_hot_spots( df: pd.DataFrame, height: int = 300, width: int = 400, size_column: str = "lines", color_column: str = "changes", colorscheme: str = "yelloworangered", ) -> dict: """Convert get_hot_spots output to a json vega dict. Args: df: input data returned by :func:`codemetrics.get_hot_spots` height: vertical size of the figure. width: horizontal size of the figure. size_column: column that drives the size of the circles. color_column: column that drives the color intensity of the circles. colorscheme: color scheme. See Returns: Vega description suitable to be use with Altair. Example:: import codemetrics as cm from altair.vega.v4 import Vega hspots = cm.get_hot_spots(loc_df, log_df) desc = cm.vega.vis_hot_spots(hspots) Vega(desc) # display the visualization inline in you notebook. See also: `Vega circle pack example`_ .. _Vega circle pack example: """ return _vis_generic( df, size_column=size_column, color_column=color_column, colorscheme=colorscheme, width=width, height=height, )
[docs]def vis_ages( df: pd.DataFrame, height: int = 300, width: int = 400, colorscheme: str = "greenblue", ) -> dict: """Convert get_ages output to a json vega dict. Args: df: input data returned by :func:`codemetrics.get_ages` height: vertical size of the figure. width: horizontal size of the figure. colorscheme: color scheme. See Returns: Vega description suitable to be use with Altair. Example:: import codemetrics as cm from altair.vega.v4 import Vega ages = cm.get_ages(loc_df, log_df) desc = cm.vega.vis_ages(ages) Vega(desc) # display the visualization inline in you notebook. See also: `Vega circle pack example`_ .. _Vega circle pack example: """ df["days"] = df["age"].astype("int32") df = df.rename(columns={"code": "loc"}) return _vis_generic( df, size_column="loc", color_column="days", colorscheme=colorscheme, width=width, height=height, )